Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Little kid excited.

Over the last couple days it has really started to hit me that I am actually leaving. Before it felt pretty surreal but now that we are counting down just days I know it is really going to happen. I have this feeling of not really being able to sit still or calm down because I am so darn excited. It is crazy to think about all the experiences we are going to have and all the people we will meet. I have honestly never looked forward to something so much and really know that the whole adventure is something I need right now.

For some reason I woke up yesterday feeling so stressed about getting everything ready. There are so many things I am unsure about when packing and planning. I get nervous that I'm going to be over there at some point, so confused and no one will be able to speak English to help me. There are so many questions when I'm packing. How cold is it actually going to be? Will I really not need a cell phone? How heavy will my bag actually be? Do I need another pair of shoes? As hard as its been to pack, I need to realize that whatever I bring or don't bring, I'm going to survive and have the time of my life.

I'm also feeling a lot better because I've decided to sublet my room. It will definitely help financially and I think I've found someone that will really enjoy living here and it will be a great way for her to get to know Seattle. I'm sure the boys will also love to have her!

I talked to a family friend yesterday that went on a trip to Europe in August. She was so, so helpful and made me even more excited. She warned me to pack as light as possible and to make sure to talk to as many people as I can. If we have a route planned at all (which of course we don't) she says it will definitely change. We will meet many other travelers that we will go along with at different points throughout our trip. I am really looking forward to all the interesting people we are going to meet and the many things we will learn from them. I've been warned many times that I might fall in love. Don't know that that's going to happen, but you never know!

Cayce and I are going to take a big trip to REI today and get a few more things that we need. We also received our Railpasses in the mail yesterday so will be planning a rough route. Maybe at least planning out second destination :). The more I read and look at the map and pictures, the more I am interested in spending a lot of time in Spain, Portugal and hopefully Morocco. Looks like a ton of fun and perhaps a little warmer than the freezing temps up North!

One thing I've learned: when in doubt, ask Rick Steves!

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